Saturday, September 22, 2007

ZZ Land 1.0

Here's something of interest. Earlier I was working on Booth 6 on the ground level of the ZZ Land Market when out of nowhere I was met with a bi-podal rat digging into a cereal box. He goes by the name of Tooter Claxon.

After chatting with him for a bit I found that he name the awesomeness that is the 'punk rat' avatar and sells it for a meager 200 Ls. So of course, consumed by the better-than-sex feeling of something new I ran headlong to his booth and purchased the ava, put it on, and immediately teleported to my favorite dumpster diving locales (soon to have a post of their own). It was great publicity for the guy and also made for some awesome pics.


Tooter Claxton said...

Ooh nice pics indeed, thanks! I had to search for you; you had linked your profile (which is set to private) in the comment on my blog. Anyhow; found you. And love the blog :)

Tooter Claxton said...

Oh and another thing: they're L$ 250, not 200. But what's 50 L$ these days huh? Next to nothing.